Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics: Expert Consult Premium Edition – Enhanced Online Features and Print, 19e
Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics: Expert Consult Premium Edition – Enhanced Online Features and Print, 19e
“Highly Commended,” Paediatrics Category, British Medical Association 2012 Medical Book CompetitionUnderstand the principles of therapy and which drugs and dosages to prescribe for every disease. Locate key content easily and identify clinical conditions quickly thanks to a full-color design and full-color photographs. Access the fully searchable text online at, along with abundant case studies, new references and journal articles, Clinics articles, and exclusive web-only content. Stay current on recent developments and hot topics such as melamine poisoning, long-term mechanical ventilation in the acutely ill child, sexual identity and adolescent homosexuality, age-specific behavior disturbances, and psychosis associated with epilepsy. Tap into substantially enhanced content with world-leading clinical and research expertise from two new editors-Joseph St. Geme, III, MD and Nina Schor, MD-who contribute on the key subspecialties, including pediatric infectious dis
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