Android Development Bibliography

Android Development Bibliography
Android is a top open source project that powers millions of mobile devices. But, it all started back in 2005, when a small startup called Android, Inc. was acquired by Google. With the acquisition of Android Inc, Google entered the mobile space. Later in 2007, together with other major companies, Google created the Open Handset Alliance consortium with the goal of promoting Android as a standard for mobile platforms. Today Android has taken the mobile industry by surprise with major 3rd-party handset manufacturers and network operators around the world embracing Android. In addition, the Android ecoystem and developer community, both key elements of Android’s success, are very strong. In fact, a recent study indicates that Android devices are being sold at the rate of 350,000 a day.Safari Books Online provides full access to all of the resources in this bibliography. A subscription to our “cloud library” gives you unlimited use of more than 16,000 books and videos. The future of Andro
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